
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Excusatio non petita accusatio manifesta

Hi guys!

I know it has been a while since my last update but I promise you that as soon as I can I will continue updating the blog.

I haven't had a lot of time to do it as I had some deadlines to meet in my work and I was also on holidays for 8 days after that without access to the Internet.

Well, know I'm back and hopefully I will post 4 or more new entries before the next Saturday.

See you

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Space Marines Conversions

As with the orks my brother and I have made some conversions with the Space Marines from the Black Reach Assault Box Set. Using two captains we have made a Captain with power fist a Company Champion and a Company Standard.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Ogre Bruiser carrying the Army Battle Standard (from scratch)

Just before the actualization that my brother and I made to our Ogre Kingdoms Army in agoust of 2012 we had a "Bruiser" with the Army Battle Standard that was a ogre bull with an extra gut-plate from the Hunter and an extra head of the Tyrant. I don't now if you could imagine it, but it was pretty shabby.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Step by Step: Tyranid Trygon from scratch

In the fall of the year 2009 I decided to make a Trygon from scratch for a friend. That was around the time the 5th edition army release when this creature was first introduced in the Warhammer 40000 world.

My friend have just bought a Tyranid Carnifex and he had a lot of spare bitz so instead of making for him another Carnyfex I decided that a tail like creature will be easier to sculpt. At the end I only used a head from the Carnyfex in the model and maybe I could have skip that too.

The materials I used were:
  • Wire
  • Thin foil
  • Green Stuff
  • A+B White modelling putty
  • Pieces of sprue
  • Some Plasticcard
  • A Champagne Cork
  • Some cardboard for the base

The pictures of the process from the beginning to the end are below. Attention, there are quite a few.