
Saturday, December 27, 2014

How to convert a free company man into a Human Blood Bowl Thrower Part (I)

I made this tutorial because a member of one of the forums that I usually visit ask me to.

The request was quite specific, he wanted me to explain how would I do the armour plates and other armour parts of the human thrower that appears in the wallpapers of the game Blood Bowl II. I only had a couple of shoots so I done the best I could with the little information at my disposition.
Pictures obtained from the Blood Bowl game website
Even if I only had to explain how to make the armour plates I decided to try to make a miniature with the stand shown in the left part of the picture above, well a mirror image of it. You can see the result of this tutorial in the picture below (the colour scheme is the one of our Human BB team).

This first part of the tutorial explains how I made the legs, and the body armour.
In the second part, I will show how to make the rest of the armour, the muscles of the arms and the helmet.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Cardboard made Stormraven Gunship: almost finished

A couple of weeks ago, I post a few pictures of the wing of a new Warhammer 40000 vehicle that my brother was making. The vehicle is in fact a Stormraven Gunship and in this post you will the progress that my brother has made in it.

The model is almost finished, the only thing that is missing is the guns, and the rivets. My brother has design the model so it breaks into 4 parts: fuselage, left wing, right wing and tail cone with tail planes. In the pictures below you can see more or less those parts. The parts attach each other with magnets in the case of the wings and inserting a flat piece into a slot in the case of the tail cone.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Skaven Warlord mounting a Rat Ogre Bonebreaker

In another post I showed my brothers Skaven Warlord atop of a War-Litter, in this one I'm going to show to you his other Warlord that is mounted in a Rat Ogre Bonebreaker.

Is a conversion using the rat ogre from the plastic screaming bell, the legs of the screaming bell grey seer and other bits from the plague monks and the night runners.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

New cardboard vehicle project

Lately my brother is in a non-stop mode he finishes a project and starts with a new one. Recently he has started to build a new cardboard vehicle for one of our Warhammer 40000 armies. In the picture below you can see a piece of it, any guess about what vehicle it is?

The piece is not finished yet, it needs a little more detailing. My brother has added to the piece a few magnets so the vehicle is easier to store and carry.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Vampire Hero almost from scratch

I made this vampire a long time ago, more or less at the same time as the Fell bats.