
Warhammer Fantasy

Warhammer Fantasy: Our Armies

My brother and I started playing this wargame in the year 2001. The first miniatures that I had were the static Bretonnian bowmen of the 5th edition of Warhammer, that back then used to come with the painting starting kit. My brother bought for himself the Wood Elfs' bowmen of the same edition and also pretty static. Since then the number of our miniatures have increase considerably.

Between my brother and I we have collected almost every army of Warhammer, even some of the armies that no longer exits in the stores nowadays like Dogs of War.

In this page I'm going to gather pics of our painted armies and also the different things that we have made for them along the years.

Lords and Heroes
Core Units
Special Units
Bretonnia Crazy Project (5th edition knights)
Core Units
  • Errant Knights (I, II and III) (Conversions)
Chaos Dwarf
Lords and Heroes

Rare Units 

Dogs Of War
Lords and Heroes
Core Units
Rare Units 
Lords and Heroes
Core Units
Special units
High Elves
Pictures of all the Army
Rare Units
Lords and Heroes
Orcs & Goblins

Night Goblin Army

Lords and Heroes
Rare Units
Ogre Kingdoms
Pictures of all the Army
Lords and Heroes
Rare Units

Army Pics

Lords and Heroes
Core Units
Special Units 
Rare Units
Vampire Counts
Lords and Heroes
Special Units
Wood Elves
Pictures of all the Army
Lords and Heroes
Rare Units