
Warhammer 40000

Warhammer 40000: Our Armies

We didn't get into Warhammer 40000 until we started to be feed up with the changes that GW was making in Warhammer Fantasy, like making bigger and expensier monsters everytime an army was renewed and not renewing all the armies between new rulebooks editions. That was at the end of the year 2008 a little after of the release of the Black Reach Assault Box Set.

The truth is that from the beggining we loved the way Warhammer 40000 game works, or at least use to work. Show we bought two Black Reach Assault Box Set and like that we started two of our Warhammer 40000 armies. After that my brother started to collect a Necron army and I a Imperial Guard one. For a lot of time that was it but in the summer of 2013 we started to collect together a Tau army and a little later a Grey Knight army.

We think that the last edition of the rulebook have complicated innecesarily the rules and we have decided to stay with the 5th edition rules.

Imperial Guard
  • Ogryns (tutorial how I made them from WFB plastic ogres)
Dedicated Trasnsport
Fast Attack
Heavy Support

My brothers Necron Army completely Painted

Dedicated Trasnsport
Dedicated Trasnsport
Heavy support
Some painted orks
Dedicated Trasnsport
Fast Attack
Heavy Support
Space Marines 

Our Painted Spaces Marines at the moment

Dedicated Trasnsport
Fast Attack
Heavy Support
Heavy support