
Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to make Sandbag walls for Imperial Guard Heavy Weapons

Long time ago I wrote a step by step on how to make Sandbag walls to use with the imperial guard heavy weapons for a Spanish electronic magazine. Today I bring it to you translated.

The original idea was to build more than one heavy weapon with each Imperial Guard Heavy weapon set. Doing it by building a sandbag wall seemed just right as it is possible to imagine that the soldiers during the battle preparation have make a sandbag wall where they can put a heavy weapon and get some cover while they are firing it.

For this tutorial I have used:
- Pieces of Plastic sprue
- A round dreadnought size base
- Modelling Putty A+B white
- A spare heavy bolter

First, we cut some pieces of sprue and glue them to the base. This pieces of sprue are the armature of the sandbag wall. I decided to make a two row sandbag wall.

Then we knead some putty. For the lower row of sandbags, I like to make some putty sausages and place them around the sprues, instead of making each sandbag individually as it is quicker. Then I shape the sausage marking the divisions between sandbags and making a center line with the flat part of a sculpting tool. I also press the flat part in some corners so they look like wrinkles in the bags. I used the sandbags of the imperial guard heavy weapon set as size reference.

I like to make the upper row of sandbags with individual balls of putty, is a little slower but it looks better. When I'm done with the upper row and before the putty is cured I place the weapon on top of it so the cylinder that it has in his base make a hole in the fresh putty of the right size.

To finish with the wall we add some sandbag on top of the other and in the edges.

Once painted it looks like in the pictures below.

Below you can see another one that I made.

Hope you like it!

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