
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blood Bowl Minotaur Finished (searching people interested in buying a resin copy)

There have been 18 persons interested in having a copy: 13 from Spain and 5 from the rest of the world.
The final price for the copies is 4,00€.
I already have made half of the casting mold, and I hope to make the other half tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.
Hello there!
You may remember this post where I explained that my brother was trying to make a Minotaur for Blood Bowl but he had some troubles with the head and I made one for him. Well, keeping with his word, he has continue working on it until it was finished.

I have help him with a couple of things after making the head but most of the miniature has been made by him.

Below you can see picture from different angles:

This post doesn't finish here. I haven't thought about making resin copies of the miniatures as we only needed one but 3 persons has shown interest in buying a copy so I decided to make a kind of pool to know if there is enough people interested in having a copy to go thought the trouble of cutting the green in pieces and preparing them so the copies can be properly assembled latter. Just to be clear I'm not asking for money or anything, I just want to know who is really interested in buying a copy of this model.

The price of the first copies of miniatures will be lower than the price of the rest of the copies as the objective is mostly to cover the expenses and not to make a profit. That's the reason of limiting to 30 copies even if I don't think there will be initially 30 interested persons.
In the table below there are the prices that the miniatures will have function of the number of miniatures sold for the first copies, the actual prices are in euros the prices in US$ and in Great Britain Pounds are shown for information purpose only. The shipping cost for Europe are included. For the rest of the world you will have to add 0.40€ (around 0.54US$ or 0.34GBP).
Nº Miniatures ----  Price of each miniature                       
10     ----     4,50€ | 6.10US$ | 3.77GBP
15     ----     4,00€ | 5.42US$ | 3.35GBP
20     ----     3,50€ | 4.75US$ | 2.93GBP
30     ----     3,00€ | 4.09US$ | 2.51GBP

For Europe I think there will be no troubles with customs, for the rest of the world I'm not sure.

There are already 3 persons interested in having a copy, so only 7 more left to reach the minimum.

The shipping will be made in bubble mailers/bubble envelopes to protect the miniature. The miniature includes a plastic 40mm round base and also, only for the persons that shown now their interest, two resin footballs.

The resin footballs are similar to the ones show in the picture below (but resin made), they don't have any spikes. One of the footballs could have a putty made base similar to the one shown in the lower left corner of the picture.

About the base I have to say that it will be less taller or thick that the 40mm bases sold by GamesWorkshop. In the pictures below you can see a similar one compared with official 25mm bases before and after painted.

I also want to say that you can also buy for only to 2.50€ more a resin copy of the Chaos Warrior as there will not be any extra cost in the shipping.

If you are interested please leave a comment in this post or preferably send and e-mail to lord-skofis(a)hotmail.com (replace the (a) with an @). You can also indicate in your comment or message if you are interested but only if there are at least 15 or 20 other buyers.

In the picture below you can see a size comparison picture. The numbers on the right of the picture represents millimeters. The height of the miniature form its feet to the top of its head is 46 millimeters and to the tip of its horns is 55 mm.



  1. Well done! That is an outstanding looking figure. I would totally be interested in a copy, and of the chaos warrior, too!

    I am still amazed at the smoothness of the finish you guys manage to get on those armor plates. I guess I need to start trying your talcum powder trick.

    1. Thanks Mattias. With you there are now 5 interested in a copy.

  2. I added a size comparison picture. I'm also pleased to tell you that I have counted 12 interested persons so I'm going to copy the minotaur for sure.
