
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Slann Mage-Priest from scratch finished

In the previous post I show the WIP of the Slann Mage-Priest that my brother was making for me. The work was almost done but lacked a few finish touches.

Here you have the final result. The vegetation and the lizards were my doing and my small contribution to the project.

Below you can see some pictures of the whole model, but not glued yet to the base (click to enlarge the pictures).

Pictures of the Slann Mage-Priest alone

Pictures of the stone Palanquin

Hope you like it, I really love it myself =D


  1. I love it, too! Fantastic work. You and your brother do some amazing things. Can't wait to see it painted.

    1. Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, it would take some time (even years) until it is painted. I have almost no time for the hobby lately and my brother is busy with other things too.
