Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bretonnian Errant Knights (Bretonnian Army Crazy Project) II

This post continues with the previous one.

In this post you can see the horses and their barding painted as well as the beginning of the knights. I decided to paint the horses first and then paint the legs of the knights and glue them to the horses to avoid interference between them. I'm painting the army using the quick painting technique that I know as "betuneado".

The painting process is quite simple, white primer, basecoat of the different colours and a mix of matt varnish and Judea bitumen to give a shadow effect and protect the miniature. The mix of varnish and Judea bitumen that I made for the horses was to dark and after it was dry I retouch them with the base colours, giving them a little highlight effect. The process is the same for the knights.

Some pictures of the process in the horses.

As you can see they end up quite dark. In the pictures below you can see how they look after the highlights with the knights only basecoat and the bases halfway done.

The bases are made gluing to them beach sand with PVA/White Glue and then adding some cork sawdust to simulate some rocks. I intend to add some static grass to cover wide regions of the bases after all bretonnia is a quite fertile land.

In the picture below you can see the errant knights before applying the mix of varnish and Judea bitumen. To finish with the unit I have to apply the mix, finish the bases and add the banner and the pennants for the lances.

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